Lovely selection of poems, the Hardy is one of the first poems I learned and loved in my English literature class at school, and the Edwin Muir poem is amazing.

I've been told though that JK Rowling got all the names for her characters from Greyfriars Kirkyard in Edinburgh, though that may just be a marketing ploy used by the graveyard. Certainly that's where she got a lot of her names

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Thanks for commenting Juliet, glad you enjoyed it. Good knowledge about JKR! You're probably right, and realistically I suppose there are many other 19th century sources the name could have come from.

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Enjoyed this very much. The Muir poem is new to me, and wonderful.

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Thank you Maria!

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Aug 22Liked by Victoria

A thoroughly enjoyable selection! At first I expected John Donne's Flea, which is the first insect poem to buzz into my own mind, but then I thought you were right: in Donne's poem the insect was just a prop.

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Thanks for commenting. I think one could do an interesting different piece on poems about biting insects! Cf also the Culex ('gnat') from the Appendix Virgiliana and various related poems. There are quite a lot of early modern examples. Maybe something to come back to one day.

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